What is Hosting?Why do you need Hosting?Hosting Basics-Beginner's Guide


At present hosting is essential for them who want's to create an online presence.If you're planning on creating an on online presence, reliable web hosting is essentialHosting, in its most generic sense, is a service through which storage and computing resources are providing to an individual or organization for the accommodation and maintenance of one or more websites and related services. While hosting doesn't need to be IP-based, the vast majority of instances are web-based services that allow a website or web service to be globally accessible from the Internet. With the evolution of technology and delivery models, hosting has evolved into a variety of formats, including shared hosting, dedicated hosting and cloud hosting. Besides websites, hosting also may include data/storage hosting, application/software hosting and IT services hosting. The line is also blurred with cloud computing and virtualization, which allow another level of sophistication and customization.

Well, Hosting is also known as Web hosting or website hosting.
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    • Let's know What is Hosting exactly?
What Is Hosting
In a nutshell, Hosting consists of a computer that hosts a website. As a highly critical service, Hosting is primarily provided by a hosting service provider that builds a specialized backend computing infrastructure.That's mean, Hosting is the process of renting or buying space to house a website on the World Wide Web. When a hosting provider allocates space on a web server for a website to store its files, they are hosting a website.

Well, What is a server exactly? A server is a computer that connects other web users to your site from anywhere in the world. As the name implies, web hosting service providers have the servers, connectivity, and associated services to host websites. By offering a variety of hosting plans, they cover the spectrum of hosting needs, from small blogs and large organizations.

  • [message]
    • Well Question : Why do you need Hosting?

At present hosting is essential for them who want's to create an online presence.If you're planning on creating an on online presence, reliable web hosting is essential. That means, if you need a website where you can post your writting or your online store or any else over internet, then you must need Hosting. A lot of people tend to think that registering a domain name is good enough to get a website active. What they fail to understand is that a domain is as good as your name, a name by which others may recognize you. In order to get a website active and live on the internet, you need to host a website. If you are seeking to build a website without taking web hosting services, registering domain names will serve no purpose. Having a web hosting account is very important in order to get a website hosted.
Recently I told that Hosting consists of a computer that hosts a website. At this, you might be asking yourself: “If hosting really just consists of a computer that serves a website, then why do I need a hosting service? Can’t I just have my home computer host my website?”
Well, the answer is yes, yes you could, but there has a problem. I told you that that would be a really bad idea. Because there are many reasons in web hosts exist.

Below is listed some reasons,why hosting a website at home is nearly impossible?

Self Hosting

  1. Power Outages – If your power goes out at your home, your website will go down.
  2. Slow Connection – While you may have very high-speed Internet at home, this usually only relates to download speed. With a server, since you are sending files, you need a high upload speed. It is almost guaranteed that your home connection has a slow upload speed.
  3. Dynamic IP Address – Your home Internet connection has a dynamic IP address that changes over time. This is like your house address constantly changing and people trying to send you mail. It makes it nearly impossible.
  4. Hardware Maintenance – If your home computer has any issues or needs a new part, it could be days or weeks before your computer is running again, and all of that time your website will be down and you may even lose your files.

Web Hosting

  1. Redundant Power Supplies – The power supplies at most web hosts are almost always backed up by on-site generators that keep sites live even in extreme power outages.
  2. Ultra-Fast, Stable Connections – Web hosts have extremely fast upload speeds and can serve hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands of concurrent visitors easily.
  3. Static IP Address – With a web host, you can have a dedicated IP that will never change. This means your address always stays the same and people can always find your site.
  4. Expert Team Maintaining Hardware – The experts at these web hosts constantly maintain the hardware and have replacement parts on hand. They also have redundant hardware and back up your files for you.

Comapring between self hosting and web hosting, it's clear that self hosting is really impossible. So, Web Hosting is the best choice for getting a website into online.



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What is Hosting?Why do you need Hosting?Hosting Basics-Beginner's Guide
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